TGR#30 - 香港失業率上升 零售和酒店業成重災區
📖 每週精選文章
Will You Have the Right Skills For HR In 2025?
HR professionals can begin by enhancing their skills in 5 areas — some of which are totally unchartered territories for HR — that are key to future success in the profession and likely to be widely practiced 5 years from today. They include…
📰 業界最新消息
《華爾街日報》17 日報導,加拿大多倫多挾帶大量技術勞工和與美國高文化相似度等優勢,吸引許多大型科技公司前來設點。但部分加拿大人卻不看好這波「矽谷北漂」趨勢。英特爾公司宣布要在多倫多設立新的繪圖晶片設計據點;Uber將在此建立工程中心;微軟公司則表示,將擴增加拿大員額逾20%。
💻 HR Tech 發展
Walmart CEO: VR Training Helped Save Lives in El Paso Shooting
Walmart CEO Doug McMillon says active shooter training utilizing virtual reality devices helped Walmart employees navigate the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, earlier this month that claimed 22 lives.
Six in 10 Expect Their Jobs to be Automated Within the Next Decade
According to the latest Q2 2019 Randstad Workmonitor study, 87 per cent of local respondents feel equipped to deal with digitalisation in their jobs. Despite being prepared for the future of work, 63 per cent of respondents expect their jobs to be automated in the next five to 10 years. This is 29 points higher than the global average (34 per cent).
🖼 Photo of the Week
💡 每週一詞:「帕卡德定律」